
Showing posts from October, 2007

Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake

My first of this kind...just few pieces left for snapshot! A: 180 g butter 170 castor sugar 3 eggs B: 120 g all purpose flour 1.5 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda 20 g cocoa powder C: 250 g cream cheese 60 g castor sugar 1 teasponn vanilla essence 1 egg Processes: Sift ingredient B all together Mixture A: Beat butter and sugar till fluffy, then add egg one by one - beat after each addition. Pour in the flour slowly and mix using wooden spatula until the batter is well incorporated. Mixture C: in another bowl, mix all ingredient C and blend together until fluffy. Line the square tin with baking paper, extend over 2 sides. Drop 3-4 large spoonfuls of mixture A to cover the whole first layer, then pour mixture C in a single layer over mixture C. Finish off with mixture A. Make sure the mixture is well spread evenly. Bake for 50-60 min in 160 degree. Cool off completely before cutting.

Rendang Raya

Special thing of this rendang because it is simple. Another for its prominent balance of hot and sweet taste. My late mother purposely split the dish into two portions and put more sugar in one so kids could take it with ketupat. I remember those yester years helping her pounding ingredients started with the galangal followed by the finely chopped lemon grasss to a very fine paste. Aruah is working on the pre-boiled dried chilles and unions with batu giling....then both hers and my portion is mixed with santan over the stove. It's easy to cook. No oil, no saute', no kerisik ; just blend and boil. I made this rendang for both Eids during those years studying abroad. Nowadays I had no chance to serve it as a Raya dish as to give away to other fancies and highly demanded rendang made my sister on my side and my MIL. My Rendang Raya goes well with pulut, not the white rice . I usually made this rendang in a small scale to celebrate the completion of puasa enam. This year, we had i...

Kuih Makmur

Ini adalah salah satu kuih hantaran pertunangan dari pihak cik Abang pada 5 Syawal 14.... Awwww... nostalgia. Bukan di sini cinta ku pada kuih ini bermula...tapi sejak kecil. Bila dewasa, inilah kuih wajib setiap raya. Bukan sedikit, ada lah kira-kira 2 kilo tepung di gentel untuk di bagi pada adik beradik. Tidak termasuk tempahan yang bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Proses membuatnya leceh. Bermula dari menggoreng tepung sampai terasa licin ditangan macam tepung ubi. Ini lah rahsia makmur yang baik. Saya rela menggoreng sendiri kacang tanah, mengupas kulit dan menumbuk dengan lesung batu untuk inti yang lunak. Saya ingin miliki lesung yang di buat dari kayu jati yang biasa di guna untuk mengisar somtam. Agak nya nanti kerja menumbuk kacang lebih cepat kerana lesung itu besar.... KUIH MAKMUR Bahan-bahan: 500 gram minyak sapi tulin 1 kg tepung gandum - di goreng tanpa minyak Inti: 300 gram kacang tanah - goreng dan tumbuk sampai hancur Gula aising Cawan kertas yang kecil

It does Matter......

Copied from Cikgu Sue Suria ( dengan izin) ----- Original Message ----From: sue suria Subject: : Air tangan orang yang tidak solat TIME boring2 tak ada email masuk ni jalan2 kat internet ni jumpa article ni dari media muslim...renung2kan lah..nak tambah sikit aja dari article di bawah katanya betapa beratnya solat...tambah sikit berat hanya pada mereka2 yang tidak beriman..... Air Tangan Orang Yang Tidak Solat Semua orang tahu bahawa kalau meninggalkan solat tu, adalah dosa besar, dan malahan lebih hina drpd khinzir.. Betapa hinanya kita kalau meninggalkan solat spt yg dikisahkan pd zaman NabiMusa A.S Begini kisahnya... pada zaman Nabi Musa, ada seorang lelaki yg sudah berumahtangga , dia tak de zuriat lalu, terdetik dlm hati dia (nazar), "kalau aku dpt anak, aku akan minum air kencing anjing hitam." Nak dijadikan cerita, Allah pun kurniakan isteri si lelaki tadi pun hamil dan melahirkan anak. Bila dah dpt anak, laki ni pun runsinglah.. . Dia dah nazar nak kena m...

Almond and Carrot Cake

In this recipe, sugar is halves from its original version of my foster mother Maryam O'Keefe. She would served this cake with evening chamomile tea, to me a really "teh kosong" because the taste is very mild at almost no aroma! That's explain why she made this cake very sweet and showered with a layer of sugar paste on top. ALMOND AND CARROT CAKE A: 80 g whole almond - toasted and pound coarsely 1 stick of carrot / 250 g - grated coarsely 1 orange - grated for its rind only B: 160 g butter 100 g sugar 5 egg yolk C: 5 white eggs 40 g castor sugar D: 200 g all purpose flour 1.5 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon bicarbonate sodium 50 ml milk Methods: Pre heat to 180 C. Cream butter and castor sugar (B) until fluffy. Add in egg yolk one by one and beat well after each addition. Add in sifted flour altenately with milk until mixture is well combined. Put in "A" ingredient and mix well with wooden spatula. Set aside with the mixing bowl covered. In another dry ...

Steamed Fruitcakes

the story: it was a time when I was newly married, I tasted this kind of cake and I asked for the recipe, unfortunately not everyone is willing to share . Longing for long, I had finally found it in and tested it... Whoaaa.... the four hours steaming is worthwhile...thanks rnet.... KEK KUKUS BUAH NORAZIE Sumber : Norazie Bahan-bahan: 600g Tepung gandum [ambil segenggam asingkan] 2 tin butter golden churn atau yg sama berat = 680g 600g gula pasir [bahagi 2 - 300g utk gula hangus 800g-1kg mix fruit 1 st serbuk buah pala 2 st bikarbonat of soda 2 st cream of tartar Esen limau setengah botol Telur A - 5 biji [kalau B- 8 biji]* kertas minyak utk alas loyang* aluminium foil utk tutup loyang Cara Membuatnya Panaskan kukus - air hampir penuh. Masukkan butter, gula 300g, esen limau , pukul hingga kembang.Masukkan telur satu persatu. Pukul agak2 dah rata, cukup. Ayak tepung gandum + bikarbonat + cream of tartar + serbuk buah pala. Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit ke...