
Showing posts from January, 2008

Mee Hainan

Another simple-dish-all-in-at-one-go for a busy mom cooking a balance diet meal in a hurry ...! I deep fried one yee mee at a time and placed it in a plate. Fried an egg and put next to the mee. In a separate pot, sautee 8-10 bulbs of chopped garlics until browning and fragrant. Take out half of the garlic and the oil, put aside. Pour water into the pot and bring to boil. Throw in all (veggies, meat, seafood) until the soup boil again, then add in salt & sugar to taste. Dash in pepper if you like. To serve: Put a little bit of oyster sauce on the mee, scoop in the ingredients and top it to the mee, then garnish with fried garlics (and its oil if you like) Finally, pour the boiling soup, yee mee will automatically soften...stir evenly then ... Bismillah... (For 4 serving plates) Clear soup; 2 cups plain water salt and sugar to taste peppper Suggested ingredients: chicken meat - diced prawn - peel off head and skin squid - cut fish cake - sliced sawi - cut carrot- sliced baby corn mu...

Laksa Nona Singapura

I am longing for hot soup. KakElle's laksa nyonya looks very tempting and mouth watery ... alamak tak boleh tahan....Reached home at 6.15pm, I took my own sweet time dang ding dong and within more or less than 45 mins., my food tester has two thumbs up. Maybe my mind had pre-set that laksa should taste a bit sour, I added a piece or two tamarind skin to the original recipi. Dinner served at 7.00pm. naked laksa mee with garnishing as suggested by KakElle I have only middle saized prawn and had cooked it together with daun kesum into gravy the closed-up Great thanks for the recipi, KakElle...

Moist Chocolate Cake

Lama mencari kek coklat yang bagus, yang ini sesuai membelai tekak ku... Tak rugi berguru...Untuk ganache, hanya campurkan cooking choc dan crisco, cairkan dalam double broiler, sejukkan dan sapu mengikut alunan tangan...... RICH CHOCOLATE MOIST CAKE (ANDREW KOW COOKING CLASS) 160gm butter 300gm castor sugar 3 eggs (grade A) 1 tsp vanilla Sift all together: 220gm flour (rose brand) 60gm cocoa powder 1 tsp bicarbonate soda 1 Ā¼ tsp baking powder 200ml water Make a paste by adding all below: Ā½ tsp salt 1 tsp Nescafe + 1 tbsp hot water => paste / option with 1 tsp coffee emuco 1 tsp cocoa emulco Whisk butter and sugar until creamy. Add egg one by one, beat well after each addition. Add in essence vanilla. Put flour alternately with water and stir using wooden spatula. Lastly add the paste and mix evenly. Pour into 8 in x 8 in pan and bake for 45-60 minutes.

Sambal Sotong Bergajus

Resepi asal Chicken Cashew Nut Dari Dapur Maklang . Sengaja mengubah selera ... tiba-tiba sedap la pulak! 1 keping sotong kembang 2 labu bawang besar 15 tangkai lada 5 biji bawang merah 3 ulas bawang putih 2 sudu sos tiram 2 sdb kicap pekat Gula, garam secukup rasa 1 sudu minyak bijan 1 cawan gajus minyak masak Persediaan: Cuci sotong dengan tepung jagung untuk menghilangkan lendirnya. Kukus sotong seekor/tanpa di potong hingga lembut untuk mengelakkannya mengeluarkan air berlebihan dalam kuah nanti. Bila sejuk barulah di potong ikut suka hati. Buang biji cili, celur untuk mengurangkan pedas.Kisar cili kering dan bawang hingga lumat. Goreng gajus tanpa minyak hingga rangup. Hiris bawang merah dan bawang putih untuk tumisan. Cara: Satukan minyak masak dan minyak bijan dalam kuali. Tumis bawang hingga garing. Masukkan cili, kacau, masukkan gula dan garam. Masak hingga cili menjadi garing. Masukkan kepingan sotong. Kacau sebati. Masukkan kicap pekat, sos tiram dan tambah gula garam mengi...

Spicy Tuna Cutlets

I read in a newspaper of something similar like this recipe but cannot remember the exact measurement. While doing stock clearance, I found 2 cans of tuna in my cabinet and half opened frozen french fries, thus it is just a good start-up my own mixing. One who leave with a person who is passionate about cooking and enjoy stuffing family and friends with food is forced to like first hand try-out recipe whether it is tasty or not! Ha ha ha... Spicy Tuna Cutlets 2 cans of tuna in olive oil - drained and mashed 2 cups french fries - fry without oil until tender/half cooked - mashed 2 big union, grated coriander leaves - shredded 2 red chillies - take the seed off and chop finely 1 tsb curry powder Salt, sugar and pepper to taste 2 eggs corn flour butter Mix well all ingredients with 1 egg. Beat lightly another egg to be used as a dip. Put in a rectangular pan and press evenly then cut to desired shapes. Coat in corn flour, dip in beaten egg, then pan fry with butter until both sides turn...

Sambal Serai Daging

Alia asked if we still have meat stocked in the fridge. Oh yes,dear. She has a very diplomatic ways of asking if she wants me to cook something.... Rasa nak makan ketupat... Oh hoo...This week I didn't prepare meal regularly. If prepared them beakfast,lunch will be fast-food. Dinner is just bought from a nearby food court. Both of us losing foot and hand to those hustle and bustle on few functions, school registration , ecetera, ecetera....She had surely missed home cook. I had de-frosted meat before off to zzzzzzzzz...and had also put instant ketupat in rice cooker last nite. Simple work this morning, before 7am, breakfast is served. 450 g meat - slice thinly in small pieces 3 table spoon tamarind juice oil, salt, sugar Blend finely: 20 pcs dried chillies 3 big union 2 bulbs garlic 4 lemon grass Method Heat the oil and fry blended chillies until fragrant. Put in meat. Stir regularly. Cover and cook until tender then add in tamarind juice, salt and sugar to taste. Take off from sto...