Raya Haji is just around the family and relatives are usually has extensive Raya Haji's celebration, as grand as the Aidilfitri. We still have homemade cakes on our table and cookies in the jar. Dushhhhhh.. thinking of something simple to take home (balik kampung).As kiddos are home, it is just a nice time to pass this cookie making to them. With a minimum guidance, this is what we munch...chrunchy yummyyyyy... and fews jars for their Pak Wa,Ngah, Pak Lang and Makcik...not to forget their lovely Tok! CORNFLAKES MADU COKLAT CHIPS ( copy pasted frm Hanieliza's fotopages...thanks KakLiza sayang....mmmmmuahhhhssss) Bahan A 150 gm butter 90 gm gula kastor 5 s/b madu Bahan B 250 gm cornflakes [ramaskan sikit] 100 gm coklat chips 100 gm badam cincang panggang Hiasan paper cup kecil coloring rice atau coklat rice Cara 1. Panaskan bahan A sehingga butter cair. 2. Masukkan Bahan B dan gaulkan rata. 3. Sudukan dalam paper-cup kecil. 4. Hiaskan dengan coloring rice/...