Making chocolate outdoor...jomm!

My team and I had made more than a thousand of chocolate dip fruit in 3 hours. That was a fast grab at our Terbuka Raya Open House at work. We had overwhelming support from Manufacturing Specialist who came to help voluntarily. What a fun event we had and it's a free hands-on lesson to them. They had amazed me with their talent! Mood: I am happy... I taught them simple method to do chocolate outdoor. Regret that I didn't take any photo to show you how do we open fire outside the Security Office..hahaha. Too busy then. InsyaAllah, I will be coming back later with step by step picture for you to visualize the "how to". I just use a portable stove to heat the water in a stainless steel bowl before tempering the couverture. Melting chocolate is not an issue but how do I make it hardened without a refrigerator . OK ..let us see my step by step tips... What I had for dipping was; A good quality milk chocolate and dark chocolate. Nyonya Lim was having her eye b...