
Showing posts from November, 2012

Mereka Tidak Perlukan Simpati

Israel attack on Gaza..tajuk utama al Jazeera dan CNN Saya tidak sanggup melihat gambar-gambar serangan ini .Peristiwa hitam 17 September Sabra Shatila berulang lagi hari ini 15 November 2012 bersamaan 1 Muharram 1434. Mereka adalah bangsa yang sombong dan hina. Angkuh melawan hukum Allah pada pengharaman berperang pada bulan-bulan haram. Silalah layari link ini untuk lanjutannya Mereka tidak perlukan simpati kita shaja; mereka perlukan doa kita. mereka perlukan batuna dari kita untuk memenangkan Islam di hadapan musuh yang mengepung mereka sekarang Mari kita panjatkan Qunut Nazilah se usai solat 5 waktu dan esok Jumaat; eloklah kita panjatkan doa ini sewaktu antara dua khutbah. Apalagi yang mampu dan segera kita lakukan sebagai umat Islam selain doa semuga Allah lemahkan Israel terlaknat.

Salam Maal Hijrah


Ayam Golek Express ( edited)

School holiday.... we always have string of friends an relative hopping by. My cousin stopped by for R n R at our house on their way to Penang. We were on they way back from Queensbay Mall when they called. The brigde was clear from one end to another but them we saw a terrible traffic blotted before the entrance of Penang Bridge toll both as police force is making roadblock after the toll. . Hubby asked them to wait for us to reach home and said they will miss the maghrib prayer in the queue then suggesting them to make a move from our house after the prayer and to cross to Penang after that. I started thinking of what to serve them for dinner! Ideally I had de-frosted the whole chicken as I was planning to marinate it overnight for tomorrow's lunch. Now I had to change recipe. There we go... 1 whole chicken 1 packet rempah kurma 3 table spoon full chilly powder 1 table spoon cumin powder salt and sugar to taste 2 pre-boiled egg 4 sausages 220 ml thick santan 1 cup w...