Corn and Bread Pudding

Simple and yummy bread pudding...

6-8 slices bread
1 cup cream style corn
5 table spoon sugar
2 table spoon corn flour
2 cups milk ( fresh milk or a mix fr milk powder)
1 egg

Beat sugar, corn flour milk and egg all together. Add a pinch of salt if you like.
Lay bread to cover the bottom of the pan. Pour in milk until breads are soaking wet! Grease a layer of corn then repeat the process. Top layer shall be covered by bread.
Bake for 30 min. ( This also can be microwaveable for 8-10 mins)
Serve cold.


Anonymous said…
Kak Cik,
nampak sedap la puding ni...bleh jadi juadah bulan puasa nanti...kak cik boleh call/sms ana tak?..sbb ana nak oder paper cup tu dan nak selit oder kak cik sama...lagi satu rempah five spices dah dapat...kawan nak mai penang this week...bila nak bagi tau ya...tak sabar nak buat hat tu....hehehhe
Dayang said…
amboi dah berderet makan di masak,ehehhe leh ler mtk ckit yer hehe
cikMilah said…
Salam Ana, memang buatr utk buka posa pun... he he he. Nanti calling-calling ya...

Dianne, tks for dropping by..
tuan umah said…
salam kenal

tak pernh tgk resipi ni,rasanya mcm bread puddings biasa ke?ke lain sikit?
Lee said…
Hello CikMilah, boleh saya dantang minum kopi ice, makan tiga slices of your mouth watering kueh.
Dapat the scent disini...sedap dan wangi betul CikMilah.
I think I can polish off 4? Ha ha. When tengok lovely cakes like this I become a self inviter, ha ha.
You stay easy and have a great weekend, Lee.
cikMilah said…
Salam cikpuanKesum ( ow.. I like the name, ala-la glamer retro gitu...)
Rasa macam bread puding biasa tapi of course wangi blended with corn.
cikMilah said…
Hello U.Lee. honoured by yr visit..Sila sila...U.Lee punya pasal, semua pun boleh...

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