Peanut Butter Biscuits

On these rainy days before Hari Raya Haji, I was longing for a soft crunchy old fashioned peanut butter biscuits so I gave a try on this old recipe I kept from college time. I was still studying in Kuantan and was spending Hari Raya Haji with my relatives in Felda Jengka that year that I don't balik kampung since my aruah mak went for her hajj . They had a tasty peanut butter biscuit and being me the-tak-malu-anakdara ( that time la, now mak dara already! ) I had asked for the recipe she had in ounces and pounds. Thank-you CikYan ( she don't blogs, though). CikYan is going wukuf at Padang Arafah at this moment, semuga CikYan and cikAwang mendapat haji yang mabrur...Ameen.
This is CikYan's recipe I had converted to metrics.

150 g margarune
500 g peanut butter
300 g light brown sugar
100 g castor sugar
4 egg yolks
1 tsp vanila essence
1 tsp emplex ( I had added in crumb softener because from my first bakes was a bit hard)
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
1 tsp salt
450 g flour
Raisins Cream margarine and sugar then mix in peanut butter, later in add in egg yolk and vanilla essence then hand whisked until well combined.
Seive all the remaining dry ingredients then add to the cream butter mixture. Work with fingers to form a soft crumb.
Put one raisin into mold, fill up with crumb and put into oven for until its done!..


Anonymous said…
SALAM k.chik
raya haji pun ada buat cookies yer..rajin yer akak..balik kuantan hari tu lina nampak tepung jagong dlm tin oren tu harga yer 3.55 aje..hehhe tp x beli pun..sedap ke almond bundt tu..dah nampak acuan tu tp x tau nak buat apa..
Umi Ismail said…
salaam n selamat berkenalan!
Thanks for adding my blog.
KakUmi nak cuba resepi ni ya!Used to be my fav kuih masa kecil2 tapi tak pernah berkesempatan nak belajar buat.Nanti nak suruh my girls buat.Thanks-Umi frm Embroideredgift
Anonymous said…
Dear Kak cik,

sori ada changes on jadual kelas january..harap ke fp ana yer...
Anonymous said…
Salam CikMilah..apa khabar? Lama x singgah lately dgn urusan anak2 ke kolej..amboii sedapnya nmpak peanut cookies tu..terasa-rasa je kat tekak ni.. :D
cikMilah said…
Lina, kat kampung raya haji sama jer ngan raya puasa.. ada kuih bagai...ramai yan gmenanti biskut kita di sana hehehe..
Eii murahnya..:P

KakUmmu, selamat berkenalan..bertuah akak anak dara tu rajin, cantik pulak tu..

Tks Ana, Noted.

Salam Ummi.Kita pun lama tak update. Sibuk-sibuk Ummi pun dapur tu berasap juga namapknya...heheheh

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