
Showing posts from August, 2009

Chicken Salad

Hiris jer sebanyak mana: timun tomato bawang merah isi ayam Versi Melayu: gaul dengan garam halus, gula, kerisik Versi antarabangsa: gaul jer dengan sos salad Versi cikMilah : saya tambah hirisan buah zaitun, hirisan lemon dan cili hijau; gaul dengan 2 sudu minyak zaitun. hehehehe..entri mengelatssss!

Udang Tomato / Shrimp in Tomato Sauce

Another simple dish that could be ready in 10 minutes 200 g udang besar / shrimp 1/2 sudu teh kunyit / teaspoon tumeric 2 ulas bawang putih / bulb of garlic 4 ulas bawang merah / bulb of shallot 1 bawang besar / union 2 biji tomato / tomatoes 1 sudu besar cili merah kisar / table spoon blended red chillies 3 sudu besar sos tomato / tomato sauce 1 sudu teh tomato puree / tomato puree ( canned ) garam , gula secukup rasa / salt, sugar to taste 2-3 sudu besar minyak / oil Gaul udang denagn kunit dan sedikit garam. Ketepikan seketika. Mix tumeric and dash of salt to shrimp and keep aside. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang merah. Bila garing masukkan cili kisar , garam gula, renehkan hingga terbit minyak. Saute garlic and shallot to soft then add in blended chilly, salt and sugar and simmer until oil disperse. Bila terbit minyak masukkan udang, kacau hingga sos menyaluti udang kemudian masukkan puree dan sos tomato. Tambah garam gula jika perlu. Masukkan tomato yang dibelah dan bawang besa...

E codes ingredients long but worth reading...... E codes are codes sometimes found on food labels in the European Union (GB, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, etc.) The code indicates an ingredient which is some type of food additive. The E indicates that it is a "European Union approved" food additive. If you never saw one before, probably you don't live in the European Union. Other countries have different food labelling laws. Even inside the EU, sometimes they use the code, sometimes they still write the word. Halal: Halal is a Quranic term which means allowed or lawful. Halal foods and drinks are permitted for consumption by Allah-the Supreme Law Giver. Eating Halal is obligatory on every Muslim. Haram: Haram is a Quranic term which means prohibited or unlawful. Haram foods and drinks are absolutely prohibited by Allah. Eating Haram is forbidden for every Muslim. Mushbooh: Mushbooh is an Arabic term which means suspected and cover a grey area between Hala...

Agar-agar Nescafe

I need a little caffein in life! So simple yet very sedapppp... 2 sudu besar serbuk agar-agar 5 cawan air 250g Gula 1 sudu teh Nescafe dibancuh dalam 1 cawan air panas. 250ml susu cair Campur semua gula dan serbuk agar-agar. Panaskan air dlm periuk dan tuang campuran gula dan agar-agar perlahan-lahan sambil dikacau, biarkan mendidih. Setelah gula dan agar-agar larut. Bahagi 2. Masukkan campuran nescafe dalam satu belas dan campurkan susu dalam bekas yang satu lagi ,kemudian selangselikan adunan dalam acuan.

Biskut Denmark

Resepi ini saya dapat sejak zaman anak dara. Masa tu saya baru saja kerja selepas grad, bila raya ramai la kakak-kakak yang bawa kuih raya ke pejabat. First time makan, rasa biskut ni istimewa sangat. Saya pulak memang minat buat biskut jadi saya tanya resepi pada empunya tuan, kakYati. Resepi dari ibu mertua kakYati, ibu mertuanya orang bangsawan... Ok ka KakYati,resepi rahsia kot.... Eh tak lah nak rahsia-rahsia dik ooi.. Mak Wan cakap, buat apa la nak simpan resepi, mati tak bawa masuk kubur. Kalau share dengan orang lain, niat jer sedekah, dapat juga pahala jariah... Alhamdulilah, dapat berkawan dengan menantu orang bangsawan yang budiman ni..Banyak juga saya resepi lauk pauk MakWan yang saya belajar dari KakYati. Semuga roh Mak Wan mendapat rahmah dariNya,berkat kesyukuran orang-orang yang mendapat menfaat dari resepi ini. InsyaAllah. Nak buat dia memang la 'belemoih' ngan coklat sebab kena salut satu-satu. Selamat mencuba. BISKUT DENMARK Bahan-Bahan Bis...

Baked Macaroni

Ingredients 200g macaroni 1 pkt curry powder Ground beef 125g chicken sausage, thinly sliced 100g button mushrooms, thinly sliced 1/2 cup mixed vegetables 1 tsp chopped garlic 3 tbsp oil 75g cheddar cheese, grated Combine: 4 eggs, beat 3 tsp chicken stock 3/4 to 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper Method Bring water to a boil in a pot. Add a teaspoon of salt and a few drops of oil. Put in macaroni and boil for eight to nine minutes. Heat oil and saute garlic till golden and fragrant. Put in curry powder. Add button mushrooms, sausage and macaroni. Mix well. Dish out into a mixing bowl. Stir in mixed vegetables. Grease a deep square casserole dish lightly with corn oil and pour half of the cooked macaroni mixture into it. Sprinkle with grated cheese and top with the remainder of the mixture. Sprinkle with cheese sparingly all over. Pour the egg mixture over the macaroni and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ºC for 30 to 35 minutes or until egg mixture sets. Remove and serve either hot or cold.