Rendang Asli

600g beef/mutton
30 pcs bird-eyed chilly OR 20pcs dried chillies
1" ginger
10 bulbs shallot
4 bulbs garlic
1 teaspoon tumeric powder / 3/4" fresh tumeric
3 stalks lemongrass - pounded
2 pcs tumeric leaf
1000ml coconut milk
3-4 tsbp coconut paste ( kerisik )

Slice the lean meat to size you like.
Blend finely ALL ingredients EXCEPT lemongrass, tumeric leaf and kerisik.
Bring to boil blended spices and meat in coconut milk together with tumeric leaf and lemongrass . Stir occasionally over medium heat, let it simmers until the gravy is thick and oil disperse out. Finally put in kerisik, salt and sugar to your taste.


Min said…
amboi rajinnye cik milah masak rendang..
cikMilah said…
Min, cepat dan mudah. Balik kerja campak jer all the ingre, kecilkan api, then pi mandi....siap mandi, rendang pun masak.. he he he
Jun said…
sedapnyerrrr...ade lagi x cikmilah?
cikMilah said…
Jun meh Penang meh, cikMilah buatkan... he he he
Nong said…
Kalau singgah sini, terasa lapar je... he he...
cikMilah said…
KakNong, lain kali mai Penang betul-betul singgah tau! Nak belanja KakNong nasi ikan bawal kat Juru!!

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