Eggless Fruitcake

Source: Zairah - Rnet.

250g butter
4 cups self raising flour (I used:400g plain flour+1tsp baking powder+1 tsp bicarbonate soda)
3 cups water (550ml)
2 cups dried fruits (280g)
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar (200g)
1 tsb bicarbonate soda
Put butter, dried fruits, water and brown sugar in a large pot and bring to boil over a slow heat. Stir occasionally until all the ingredients dissolved. Put aside and let it cooling off. Sieve flour with baking powder and bicarbonate soda.While the boiled ingredient is still warm, sprinkle 1 tsb bicarbonate soda and stir slowly until the powder dissolved. Then add in flour and then mix well.
Put into 9" x 9" OR 12" x 8 " pan. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 35 -40 minutes.


Anonymous said…
Salam cikmilah..suka singgah sini la..byk resepi leh try ni..hehe..nice kitchen!!
cikMilah said…
sila..silakan ummi, rasalah apa yang ada... he he he.
akakerin said…
hai cikmilah, hope to be your friend.saya pun tinggal kat penang.nice cake
cikMilah said…
Waalaikum salam akakerin,salam kenal. Hope we can meet, one day.InsyaALLAH.

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