Prawn in Pineapple Sauce

I was asked to prepare nasi pengantin when I was back to my MIL's home yesterday. It was a last minute call, but not to dissappoint Kak Kiah & Abg Bob the next door neighbours' request, I make a quick stir fry shimp and decorate as simple as it is....KakKiah herself made her signature Rendang Hati amongst the list of the menu for her son's wedding.

I use...
1 kg medium shrimp, come people say prawn
3 pcs canned pineapple ring
3 tsbp juice
1 biji red chilly (de-seed )
1 bulb big union
2 bulbs garlics
1 tsbp thick soy sauce
3 tsbp oil
1/5 cup tamarind juice - dilute
2 pcs kaffir lime leaf
salt and sugar to taste

My way....
. Blend pineapple and the juice to make a fine paste - add water if it is too thick.
. Blend chilly, union and garlic.
· Saute blended chillies until fragrant and add tamarind juice.
· Let it simmer for a while then add in dark soy sauce salt, sugar and pineapple sauce.
· Lastly put in all shrimp. It's done when shimp change color, but for this time I made it cook till dry as it's easier to decorate and to serve.


Jun said…
cik milah oooo...sedap nampak udang ni..yg dah lama jd pengantin pon rasa nk mkn cayalah, wat kek lapis tuuuu....
Kak Elle said…
alahai bagi I udang tu sikit my feberet lah udang...haha
Anonymous said…
Cik Milah..ish menggoda udang xleh makan selalu2 laa..naik gatal kang..hehe..Nnt dtg rmh amik barang ek..sudi2kan lah!
Ummi said…
Cik Milah..sedapnya udang tu..hehe..xleh selalu sgt makan..nnt naik gatal laa..ish ish..Eh, nnt datang rmh amik award ek..sudi2kan lah..Bye!

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