
Showing posts from 2008

Peanut Butter Biscuits

On these rainy days before Hari Raya Haji, I was longing for a soft crunchy old fashioned peanut butter biscuits so I gave a try on this old recipe I kept from college time. I was still studying in Kuantan and was spending Hari Raya Haji with my relatives in Felda Jengka that year that I don't balik kampung since my aruah mak went for her hajj . They had a tasty peanut butter biscuit and being me the-tak-malu-anakdara ( that time la, now mak dara already ! ) I had asked for the recipe she had in ounces and pounds. Thank-you CikYan ( she don't blogs, though). CikYan is going wukuf at Padang Arafah at this moment, semuga CikYan and cikAwang mendapat haji yang mabrur...Ameen. This is CikYan's recipe I had converted to metrics. 150 g margarune 500 g peanut butter 300 g light brown sugar 100 g castor sugar 4 egg yolks 1 tsp vanila essence 1 tsp emplex ( I had added in crumb softener because from my first bakes was a bit hard ) 1 tsp bicarbonate soda 1 tsp salt 450 g flour Rais...

Almond Vanilla Bundt Cakes

Resepi asal SUPERSOFT BUTTER CAKE*-ANIS ADLINA / >>sudah jadi Almond Vanilla Bundt Cakes Bahan A 10 biji telur sejuk Grade A 50 gm air 30 gm ovalette (lebih-kurang 1 1/2 sudu makan) 1 1/2 sudu tea baking powder 350 gm castor sugar (saya guna 280gm je) 400 gm tepong gandum 2 sudu tea vanilla essence ( resepi Anis guna 1 sudu teh) Bahan B 350 gm butter 4 sudu makan penuh susu pekat ( resepi Anis guna 2 sudu makan) Bahan C 1 1/2 cawan serbuk badam ( ground almond) Glaze: ganache cair.. Hiasan: almond nib / almond flakes - toast Pukul telur hingga putih. Masukkan ovalette, gula, baking powder dan airserta vanila esen. Pukul lagi hingga pekat, kemudian masukkan tepung. Pukullagi hingga sebati dan pekat.Pukul mentega hingga putih, masukkan susu, campurkan kedua-dua bahan pukul lagi hingga rata. Kaup balikkan serbuk badam perlahan-lahan. Tuangkan dalam acuan kecil-kecil atau loyang 8 x 8 danbakar hingga masak.

Mee Rebus Tulang

Bahan-bahan: 600 gm mee kuning Kuah: i. Bahan-bahan dikisar halus 12 tangkai cili kering 10 labu bawang merah 2 batang serai 1/2 inci halia 2 sudu besar udang kering ii. Pemekat kuah 3 biji keledek merah direbus dan lenyek halus 100 g pes tomato (tin kecil) 3-4 sudu besar kacang tanah yang telah disangai dan ditumbuk hancur 2 sudu besar bijan yang telah disangai iii. Sup tulang 600 gram tulang rusuk rebus tulang dengan garam, sup bunjut, daun pandan dalam pressure cooker. Taburan : 4 biji telur direbus 4 keping tauhu digoreng bawang goreng cili merah dihiris limau kasturi daun bawang dan daun sup taugeh dicelur Perisa: garam, gula merah asam keping Tumisan: kulit kayu manis, bunga cengkih, bawang merah dan bawang putih diracik. Panaskan sedikit minyak dalam periuk kemudian tumiskan bahan tumisan hingga naik bau. Masukkan bahan yang dikisar halus dan masak hingga garing dan terbit minyak kemudian curahkan sup tulang ke dalam periuk tumisan. Masukkan sekali asam keping bersama sup tad...

Kuih Ketayap

He he he.. macam tak ada modal! Buat entry kuih mudah. . Semua orang pun pandai buat kuih ketayap kan... Mendung saja kat luar hari ni, perut minta diisi dan lidah terasa nak makanan manis-mnis..Lama sungguh tak makan kuih ketayap, sesetengah orang panggil kuih dadar.Resepi ikut tangan saja. Tepung gandum campur air sejuk., Tambah garam secukup rasa. Batter mesti cair, kalau tak nanti dadar jadi tebal, Malas saya nak kisar daun pandan untuk hijaukan adunan batter ; jadi saya gunakan perisa santan/pandan dan paste pandan. Untuk intinya saya cairkan 2 keping gula melaka dengan 1 cawan air. Bila dah cair, masukkan kelapa parut....kacau hingga sebati dan inti kering.. Dadarkan nipis-nipis. Letak inti dan gulung dengan kemas. Cepat dan sedap. Jom minum petang...

Mee Bandung Tulang

1 kg yellow mew - blanced and strained Soup: 1 kg. bones with bits of meat intact 300 gram chunky meat 2 cm ginger 1 pandan leaf cur into 3 portions for chilly paste; blend all together 10 unions 8 dried chillies 1" shrimp paste for soup ticker: 300 g sweet potato - boil until soft and mashed finely 1 small can tomato paste 1 or 2 tamarind skin Condiments: Boil egg - quartered Spring union Parsley fresh red chillies green veggie - blanched fried unions chunky meat - shredded. To make a soup base, saute 1 portion of union and garlic in a big pot until frag rants, then add 1 liter water together with and bones and chunky meat and ginger. Cover the pot and let it boiling. ( used pressure cooker for this process) Let it cooling off... Meanwhile yo may blend all ingredients for chilly paste. In a large pot, saute the second portion of union and garlic then add in chilly paste and cook until oil disperse. Stir occasionally . Keep aside the chunky meat then pour in soup and bones and kee...

My Cupcakes

Recipe from Wilton Basic Yellow Cupcake 3 cups sifted cake flour 2 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 3/4 cups sugar 2/3 cups butter or margarine 2 eggs 1 1/2 pure vanilla extract 1 1/4 cups milk Preheat oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; set aside Cream sugar and butter until light Add eggs and vanilla to creamed mixture and beat until thoroughly mixed Add flour mixture to creamed mixture alternately with milk, beating well after each addition Continue beating one minute Pour into prepared pan Bake for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean Cool 10 minutes on rack, remove and cool before decorating Buttercream Icing (3 cups icing) 1/2 cup solid vegetable shortening 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract 4 cups sifted confectioners sugar 2 tablespoon milk Cream butter and shortening with electric mixer Add vanilla Gradually add sugar, one at a time, beating well on medium speed. Scrape sides and botto...

Kuih Cara Berlauk

My favorite savoury kuih I can take days in and out. 300 g flour 1 egg 2 1/2 cups coconut milk salt 150 minced meat 2 big unions - diced 1 garlic - chopped spring union 1 tsbp curry powder - make a paste with a little water oil salt Meat filling: Saute garlics and one table spoonfull union. Puit in curry paste and salt and simmer for 2-3 minutes, then add in minced meat. Stir until meat is well done then add in diced union and stir the mixture cooked and dried up. Put aside. Batter: Blend flour , egg and coconut milk until dissolved. Sprinkle in a little bit tumeric powder to ge a nice yellow colored batter. Pour batter into pre-heated mold, then put in 1/2 teaspoon filling and chopped spring union ans chilles. Cover mold for a while. Take out kuih cara from mold when it's fully cooked.

Besamah Daging

250g daging pejal 2 sudu rempah kari 1 sudu jintan manis ( biji yer.. BUKAN serbuk jintan yang siap tu ) 5-6 bawang merah yang besar 2 bawang putih i inci halia satu cawan santan pekat garam , gula merah secukup rasa Tumisan: bawang merah , kulit kayu manis bunga lawang dan bunga cengkih secukupnya. Potong daging anggaran 2 inci x 2 inci, dengan ketebalan 1/2 inci kemudian bersihkan. Tumbuk jintan manis sampai betul-betul lumat, tambah semua bawang dan halia dan tumbuk lagi kemudian campurkan dengan rempah kari. Gaul rempahan ini bersama sedikit garam pada daging dan ketepikan sebentar. Tumis bahan tumisan hingga wangi kemudian masukkan daging damn kacau rata hingga mesra. Masak dengan api kecil hingga daging empuk dan pecah minyak. Masukkan garam dan gula merah mengikut rasa. Campurkan santan dan masak lagi dengan api sederhana hingga mendidih. Bila kuah danh mula pekat,siaplah tu... Sedap dengan apa-apa nasi sekali pun!

Putu Kacang

Aruah mak memang pakar membuat put kacang. Kuih buatan mak relai dalam mulut. Saya cuma melihat mak membuatnya, tak kisah nak tanya ke, nak salin ke. Pandai makan saja. Bila mak telah tiada, terkulat-kulat la mencari...tapi yang ada dalam pasaran tak menepati citarasa. Resepi kuih ini saya ambil dari buku Kuih Muih Utara tulisan Datuk Zakiah Hanum. Resepi Datuk Zakiah 100% menjadi pada setiap kali saya mencubanya. Berbaloi saya bayar berpuluh ringgit untuk buku seperti ini. 600 g kacang hijau 600 gula halus ( saya gunakan gula pasir yang dikisar dan di ayak) Acuan putu kacang Goreng kacang hijau, buang kulit dan kisar hingga lumat kemudian di ayak. Gaul serbuk kacang dan serbuk gula dan basahkan tapak tangan semasa menggaul untuk melembabkan adunan. Campuran ini di buat sedikit sedikit, kemudian tekan kedalam acuan hingga padat. Terbalikkan acuan,. ketuk perlahan-lahan hingga putu kacang keluar dari acuan. Jemur dibawah panas matahari yang sederhana, kemudian simpan dalam bekas...

Daging Merah

The actual authentic Thai cooking style needs us to boil chunky meat in red food coloring for about an hour so as the color penetrate through meat and it look nice. I am not good at it as meat usually turn hard and it is hard to chew even after it's sliced thinly. Moreover, I usually not having that luxurious of time at preparing meal. With a wonder of rose syrup, I am making it simpler within few minutes, here we go... 200 g beef ā€“ slice thinly Spring union 2-3 Shallot ā€“ slice 4-5 Garlics ā€“ press to break-up the bulb, no chopping pleaseā€¦. Ā½ inch galanghal ā€“ slice and press to break-up 2 Lemon grass ā€“ press to break-up but still intact.. 5-6 pcs bird-eyed chillies ā€“ cut along into 2 pcs for each 2pcs kaffir lime leaf. 1 tbs lime juice Oil, salt and sugar to taste Heat oil in a wok. SautĆ© shallot, garlics , galanghal, lemon grass and chillies in one go. Stir until fragrants then throw in kaffir lime leaf. Put in in meat and stir fry until the meat tender. Put in salt and sugar to ta...

Paru Goreng Pedas

Mencari paru yang baik tidak sukar. Kalau ke pasar, saya akan minta paru yang besar tapi ringan dan warna nya agak pucat. Organ bersifat gelembung ini senang saya dapati sebab bekalannya sentiasa ada. Agaknya ramai orang tak suka makan paru. Selain digoreng kering saya juga sukakan paru goreng pedas; kegemaran aruah mak yang nampaknya saya warisi sekarang. Alhamdullah, suami pun suka makan paru,tapi tidaklah selalu kami sediakan. Bulan puasa ini saya suka makanan yang tidak berkuah pada waktu sahur. Jom tengok... 300 gm paru 1 sudu besar jintan manis 2 keping asam gelugur minyak garam gula secukup rasa Kisar 5 biji cili kering 3 ulas bawang putih 5 ulas bawang merah Untuk tumisan: 3 ulas bawang merah 2 ulas bawang putih di hiris Potong paru pada saiz besar dan rebus. Sejukkan , kemudian dihiris nipis. Tumbuk jintan tapi jangan sampai lumat kemudian gaulkan pada paru tadi. Campurkan garam dan gula kemudian perap sebentar. Panaskan sedikit minyak tumiskan bawang dan cili yg dikisar den...

Popia Udang

Mudah dimasak , sedap dan rangup pulak tu. Kalau yang berkolesterol tinggi atau on diet.. he he he.. faham-fahamlah kan. Campuran udang dengan keju memang tinggggggiiii kolesterolnya. Sesekali layan, apa salahnya kan, makan biar berpada-pada. Bagus dijadikan pembuka selera berbuka puasa. Saya padankan popia ini dengan salad segar untuk mengimbangi gizi makannan. Udang segar di kopek kulit lada sulah keju parut (saya guna cheddar cheese) Kulit popia di potong memanjang. Gaulkan udang dengan lada sulah. Letak keju atas kulit popia, kemudian letakkan udang. Lipat dan gulung popia. Lekatkan bancuhan tepung pekat pada hujung gulungan. Goreng .Sedap dimakan panas dengan sos cili Thai.

Cappucino Muffin

I completely stopped myself taking coffee due to the after taking gassy effect but looking at the left over favorite coffee powder in my breakfast cabinet really killing me each days..He he he... let's make another way enjoying it which hopefully with less effect yet the aroma is still lingers.... I used: 2 cups plain flour 1 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup soft brown sugar 1/4 cup fresh milk lemon juice 1 egg 1 cup black coffee - I used 1 full teaspoon moccona instant coffee Mix fresh milk and lemon juice to form a sour cream. Set aside. Sift flour and baling powder then mix in brown sugar. Beat sour cream and egg then pour into flour mix together with coffee. Mix until weel combined. Fill up 3/4 of a small muffin cup and bake or 15 -18 mins.

Samperit Resepi Lama

Terima kasih Anis Adlina Amir kerana sudi berkongsi resepi neneknya. Menginjak usia begini, saya suka menyelongkar khazanah nenek moyang mencanai rasa. Sejak akhir-akhir ini saya lebih menjurus kepada kuih-kuih lama. Sedap dan original. Kalau tak mencari dan belajar, seni kuih lama nanti hilang tak berkubur. Barangkali usaha kecil ini sekadar memeriahkan suasana, sebab ramai orang lain dah buat ; bagi saya sekurang-kurangnya ada sesuatu untuk anak-anak saya merujuk... 1 tin tepung jagung Brown and Polson 450 g 1 tin mentega SCS/buttercup 454 g 7 kuning telur( ayam kampung ) 1 1/4 cawan gula; ( ***) 1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum ***Anis tak pasti gula jenis apa; percubaan pertama saya guna gula aisng, kurang manis dan terasa lemaknya, saya suka; kemudian saya cuba lagi gunakan gula pasir yang di kisar dan di ayak; hmm manisnya lebih terasa, tapi tidaklah terlalu manis. *** Campurkan senua bahan dan uli perlahan-lahan hingga sebati dan lembut. Saya gaulkan gula dan kuning telur , b...

Dried Fish Curry

This humble dried curry fish is now standing a main menu in wedding reception ( kenduri ) and also restaurant that serve nasi kampung as an option. My version is known as gulai darat ikan kering. Good to go with white rice, stir fried veggies, and of course, sambal belacan and ulam. dried fish cuts 2 eggplants - cut 3 potatoes - quartered 2 tomatoes -quartered 2 tbsp curry powder ( may use specified mixed powder for dried fish, but the ordinary curry will as great too) 2 cups water 2 tamarind skin 2 cups coconut milk salt to taste Saute ingredients: 3 bulb garlics - chopped 5 bulb union - sliced thinly 1 tbsp mixed herbs used in normal curry small cinnamon stick 1 star anise curry leaf Oil Bring to boil curry powder in 2 cups of water and tamarind skin until fully boiling for 10-15 minutes. Add in coconut milk, dried fish and potatoes. Let it simmers and potatoes turn soft then add in eggplants and tomatoes. Bring to boil thoroughly. In another frying pan, heat 2-3 tbsp oil then saut...

Corn and Bread Pudding

Simple and yummy bread pudding... 6-8 slices bread 1 cup cream style corn 5 table spoon sugar 2 table spoon corn flour 2 cups milk ( fresh milk or a mix fr milk powder) 1 egg Beat sugar, corn flour milk and egg all together. Add a pinch of salt if you like. Lay bread to cover the bottom of the pan. Pour in milk until breads are soaking wet! Grease a layer of corn then repeat the process. Top layer shall be covered by bread. Bake for 30 min. ( This also can be microwaveable for 8-10 mins) Serve cold.

Thank-you UmmiZaihadi

Thank-you Ummi. This means a lot to a less than one year old food blogger! Sharing is fun eh... here's my honoured recepients in me, their food were yummy.. yummy... yummy... Hi and salam.... Gert Jun KakElle Cookinbuzz KakLiza Ana CakeLover Cekdesam and the list goes on.....

Prawn in Pineapple Sauce

I was asked to prepare nasi pengantin when I was back to my MIL's home yesterday. It was a last minute call, but not to dissappoint Kak Kiah & Abg Bob the next door neighbours' request, I make a quick stir fry shimp and decorate as simple as it is....KakKiah herself made her signature Rendang Hati amongst the list of the menu for her son's wedding. I use... 1 kg medium shrimp, come people say prawn 3 pcs canned pineapple ring 3 tsbp juice 1 biji red chilly (de-seed ) 1 bulb big union 2 bulbs garlics 1 tsbp thick soy sauce 3 tsbp oil 1/5 cup tamarind juice - dilute 2 pcs kaffir lime leaf salt and sugar to taste My way.... . Blend pineapple and the juice to make a fine paste - add water if it is too thick. . Blend chilly, union and garlic. Ā· Saute blended chillies until fragrant and add tamarind juice. Ā· Let it simmer for a while then add in dark soy sauce salt, sugar and pineapple sauce. Ā· Lastly put in all shrimp. It's done when shimp change color, but for this time...

Haw Flakes Layer Cake

Anak penakan kita Nana mengandung dan nak kek lapis asam yang Maksu buat.., teringin nak makan. Ermmm,kesian pulak dengar, mengaku sajalah Maksu akan usahakan ...macam la terror melapis ni...padahal tak pernah buat pun ...Lagi sekali percubaan berani mati. Terrer jadi terrorist kek lapis kot ya! Sekali lalu ingat nak tepon my biras yang kerja kat Penjara PP tu, kek Lapis Asam dari sana sedap jugak. Tiap kali raya dia kan bawa balik ke rumah MIL kek ni.. itu pasal den banyak lemak seguni pasal supply kek lapis asam ni memang sentiasa ada .. he he he . Tapi kesian la kan, Nana punya requirement "nak kek lapis asam yang Maksu buat". Paham tu? Teringat masa dia mengandung anak kedua dulu, minta nak kek coklat, waktu tu kita pun dalam pantang lepas ectopic ops...By the time kita buat, dan call depa mai ambik kek, depa kata dia baaaaru bersalin pagi tadi.. uhuks...sampai la ni tiap kali Tok Aunty jumpa baby tu Sofia Jasmine namanya, teringat saja kek coklat! Tak nak la pisang berbu...

Ketupat Sotong

Akhirnya selepas 2 minggu mengidam saya makan ketupat sotong hari ini. Sebagai orang utara kawin pulak dengan orang senegeri, ketupat sotong ialah menu yang asing bagi kami. Tak dapat saya bayangkan apalah rasanya bila pulut disumbat ke dalam sotong kemudian di rebus dalam santan , halba, bawang dan halia. Saya ciplak resepi dari sifu masakan kak Hanieliza dan mencari-cari sotong yang sesuai. Kata suami, kalau tengok dalam gambar ni kena cari sotong jarum. Susah pulak mencari sotong yang panjang-panjang tu sekarang ni. Lagipun saya malas nak ke pasar borong. Jauh dan sesak! Bila jumpa sotong yang segar kat kedai saya pun ambil, tapi bentuknya besar dan kontot. Sayapnya pulak tirus dari bahagian atas ke bawah. Ini sotong buluh la... kata suami. Buluh pun buluh lah janji sotong....Itu syaratnya nak buat ketupat sotong kan. Lagipun isinya tebal....Untuk eksperimen ni saya masak 2 ekor saja.. Satu persatu saya ikut resepi kak Liza dengan taatnya. Selesai masukkan pulut dalam sotong... ala...

Eggless Fruitcake

Source: Zairah - Rnet. 250g butter 4 cups self raising flour (I used:400g plain flour+1tsp baking powder+1 tsp bicarbonate soda) 3 cups water (550ml) 2 cups dried fruits (280g) 1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar (200g) 1 tsb bicarbonate soda Put butter, dried fruits, water and brown sugar in a large pot and bring to boil over a slow heat. Stir occasionally until all the ingredients dissolved. Put aside and let it cooling off. Sieve flour with baking powder and bicarbonate soda.While the boiled ingredient is still warm, sprinkle 1 tsb bicarbonate soda and stir slowly until the powder dissolved. Then add in flour and then mix well. Put into 9" x 9" OR 12" x 8 " pan. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 35 -40 minutes.

Mini Chicken Pie

The idea for this recipe is taken from Saji February 2006; originally Pai Ayam dan Cendawan. I had ommitted quite fews due to inavailability of kitchen inventory! Did this pix tells you the difference, eh! Iused half of the original recipe to make four of this size. Pastry: 250g flour 100g margarine 80g pastry margarine 1 egg 2 tbsp fresh milk. Stuffing: 2 chicken breath -diced 2 potato 1/2 carrot 1 big union spring union 3 tbsp green pea (canned) 2 tbsp curry powder + 2 tbsp water , mix to a paste. salt and pepper to taste. 2 shallot 1 garlic Praboil potato and carrot with skin to a half cooked. Take off from water and de-skin, then dice to a smal cubes. Cut spring union to a 1cm length. Saute the chopped shallots & garlic. Add in curry paste and stir until fragrants, then add in chicken and praboil carrot and potatoes. Simmer until all ingredient well coated and add in green pea, chopped big union and spring union. Mix well and cook until it becomes lumpy. Take out off fire,...

Lemongrass Chicken

Source: Majalah SAJI Feb 2006 - with modification to my tastebud 500g chicken, cut into pcs 1 cup thick coconut milk Blend all together to a fine paste: 5 stalks lemongrass ( original recipe called for 2 stalks) 12 dried chillies 2 big unions 2 garlics 1 cm ginger ( to saute') - original recipe doesn't saute' 4 shallots 1 garlic star anise, cardamon seed, cardmon stick, cloves. salt, brown sugar Marinate chicken with salt and tumeric for 10 mins then deep fry lightly just enough to make it half-cooked. Set aside and drain off excess oil. Saute shallot garlic and spices ingredient in until fragrants. Put in the finely blended lemongrass and other ingredients and stir fry for 3 minutes, then add in chicken followed by coconut milk. Allow to simmer over medium heat and stir ocassionalyy until gravy becomes thick. Put salt and brown sugar to taste.

Mixed Vegetable Curry

I saw at Gert's and quickly flip thru my old memorable recipe book just to find the version offered by Nikhil Shukla, my fully vegetarian friend of India. Last Saturday I made another trial to go with Roast Chicken and Tomato Rice. Good with roti canai and capati too! 2 potatoes 2 tomatoes 1 carrot 5-6 pc long beans cauliflower 2 fresh chilles i big union 2 tbsp curry powder+water->paste 2 shallots 1/2 inches ginger 2 cloves garlic 1 cup yogurt 2 tsbp ghee/ margarine Parboil potatoes, cut into medium-sized dice. Quartered tomatoes and big unions, slice long beand and carrots. Cut cauliflower into florets. Chop finely garlics, shallot, fresh chillies and ginger. Heat margarine/ghee in a pan, saute all the chopped garlics and all...then put in the curry paste and fry & stir until fragrants. Add carrot & potatoes and stir fry over 3-4 minutes. Pour yogurt and bring to boil. Add tomatoes, beans, cauliflower big unions, salt, freshly grind black pepper. Blend and allow to sim...

Rendang Asli

600g beef/mutton 30 pcs bird-eyed chilly OR 20pcs dried chillies 1" ginger 10 bulbs shallot 4 bulbs garlic 1 teaspoon tumeric powder / 3/4" fresh tumeric 3 stalks lemongrass - pounded 2 pcs tumeric leaf 1000ml coconut milk 3-4 tsbp coconut paste ( kerisik ) Slice the lean meat to size you like. Blend finely ALL ingredients EXCEPT lemongrass, tumeric leaf and kerisik. Bring to boil blended spices and meat in coconut milk together with tumeric leaf and lemongrass . Stir occasionally over medium heat, let it simmers until the gravy is thick and oil disperse out. Finally put in kerisik, salt and sugar to your taste.

Corn Cheese Muffin

It's so fluffy...not very sweet and full of cheessy cornny aroma... but still, my muffin rising flat, hellllpppppp! I kept this recipe for about 2 decades before decided to make one again tonite. Why it takes me so long, the story of the lost and found is here ! Originally was measured in cups and I convert it to metrics for my easy referencing.... 100g butter 200g castor sugar 100g cream cheese 100g UHT whipping cream 2 large eggs 200g cream styled corn 250g all-purpose flour } 1 teaspoon baking powder } sieve together 1/2 teaspoon salt } Optional: 50g corn kernel cheddar cheese ( grated ) Preheat oven . Sieve flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk briskly butter, sugar, cream cheese until creamy then add whipping cream and beat until fluffy. Lightly beat eggs all together, then stirinto cream & mix well. Later pour in flour, followed by cream style corn. Mix gently just to blend all ingredients smoothly. Fill each cup with batter. Sprinkle corn kernel and top with cheddar ch...